5 Easy Alternative Ways for Resolving Joint Pain

July 31, 2023Kolton Opdahl
Alternative Pain ControlJoint Pain

In today’s blog, we will discuss 5 easy alternative ways for resolving joint pain. Pain management has become a significant topic of discussion in the medical field due to the widespread impact of the opioid crisis on communities and families across the United States. Given that pain is an inevitable aspect of life for many individuals, it’s understandable that they seek relief from it. In reality, a large number of people will encounter chronic pain at some point. For instance, experts estimate that up to 80% of individuals will experience back pain during their lifetime. Many people are looking for alternative ways for resolving joint pain and avoid pain medication.

Pain usually arises due to illnesses, injuries, or other health-related issues. The sensory receptors detect physical pain and transmit signals through nerve fibers to the brain stem via the spinal cord. Upon receiving these signals, the brain interprets them as pain and discomfort. The emotional turmoil resulting from physical injury can be as severe as the physical pain. Individuals who have been in serious accidents may experience fear and helplessness for extended periods of time. Regardless of the cause of pain and suffering, it is vital to seek effective treatment. Here are 5 easy alternative ways for resolving your joint pain:

Massage Therapy

While massage therapy is typically linked to relieving tense muscles, it can also be used therapeutically to disintegrate adhesions (also known as scar tissue) within muscles and enhance blood circulation to particular muscles or groups of muscles. Lymphatic drainage massage is effective in helping the body circulate lymph, a bodily fluid responsible for removing toxins and waste from the body.

5 Easy Alternative Ways for Resolving Joint Pain

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy, also known as PT, is a well-established treatment for chronic pain. The goal of PT aims to reduce pain by helping patients regain strength and mobility. PTs may use a variety of techniques such as massage or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to disrupt pain signals, increase blood flow, and stimulate the production of endorphins. For example, building up the muscles around the core can help with low back issues.

Physical therapy has been shown to be effective in treating chronic pain. Conditions related to hip and knee osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica, back issues, and even pelvic pain associated with gynecologic cancers. It can also help individuals who may be afraid to move feel more comfortable and safe with exercise again. This will aid in leading to a variety of physical and emotional benefits.

Most comprehensive insurance plans cover physical therapy, although a referral from a primary care provider may be necessary. Physical therapists are highly trained and certified, and they work in a variety of settings such as hospitals, private clinics, and outpatient rehab centers. During the first session, the therapist will evaluate the patient’s history, strength, and range of motion. Patients should wear clothing that allows them to move freely, as the therapist may ask them to perform exercises or stretches. It’s important to practice exercises outside of sessions for optimal benefit. Overall, physical therapy is a beneficial and effective treatment option for individuals with chronic pain. As it helps to improve strength, mobility, and overall physical function, while also reducing pain and discomfort.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Individuals who have had a positive experience with chiropractic treatment often praise its effectiveness. This is an increasingly popular, alternative way for resolving joint pain. This manual therapy involves manipulating the spine, and sometimes other areas of the body, in order to enhance range of motion and physical function, as well as to correct alignment. Practitioners believe that realigning the spine reduces pressure on the central nervous system, which in turn increases the body’s ability to heal itself, ultimately reducing chronic pain.

Research has shown that chiropractic treatment is effective for musculoskeletal issues such as low back pain, sciatica, headaches and migraines, and neck pain. The strongest evidence supports its use for low back pain, and it may also be beneficial for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and those experiencing hip and back pain due to osteoarthritis. However, it is not recommended for active ankylosing spondylitis (AS).

Chiropractic sessions take place in a medical office setting, and multiple visits may be required. Most insurance plans cover the treatment. During a session, a chiropractor will adjust a patient’s spine while they are sitting or lying down on a table. It is normal to experience soreness or fatigue for a few days after the session, similar to the feeling after a strenuous workout.

5 Easy Alternative Ways for Resolving Joint Pain

Nutrition + Vitamins and Supplements

Our health is greatly influenced by our diet. Joint and Arthritis Pain Relief takes into account all the factors that can affect pain. For instance, certain foods are known to decrease inflammation, while others can increase it. A drug-free approach to managing pain for an individual with rheumatoid arthritis may involve consuming more foods that possess anti-inflammatory properties and consuming fewer foods that contribute to inflammation.

Certain dietary supplements and vitamins have been found to be effective in managing specific types of pain. For example, fish oil is commonly used to alleviate pain related to swelling. Capsaicin, a compound derived from chili peppers, may help with arthritis, diabetic nerve pain, and other ailments. Additionally, there is evidence that glucosamine can alleviate moderate to severe pain caused by knee osteoarthritis.

However, caution must be exercised when taking supplements since they can pose risks. High doses of vitamin B6 can damage nerves. While some studies suggest that supplements like ginkgo biloba and ginseng can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding. This may result in severe consequences for individuals undergoing surgery for chronic pain. However, if utilized correctly adjusting your diet can be a highly effective alternative ways for resolving joint pain. It is recommended to meet with your doctor about what supplements would be best for you and in what dosage.


Acupuncture is a form of treatment originating from traditional Chinese medicine that has been in practice for thousands of years. Acupuncturists use thin needles to puncture the skin at specific points on the body to activate or shift the flow of chi or energy. This helps maintain the body’s health and proper function. According to Western medicine, the needles are primarily believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This will then either increase or decrease different chemicals in the body to promote healing.

Numerous studies examining the efficacy of acupuncture for chronic pain relief have demonstrated that the treatment is effective. Studies have shown long-lasting results that cannot be attributed to the placebo effect. It is also generally considered to be safe and can be used to treat many conditions such as: chronic back pain, joint pain, headaches, migraines, and other conditions like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, psoriatic arthritis (PsA), rheumatoid arthritis, and endometriosis.

Acupuncture sessions typically take place in a peaceful, dimly lit room with the patient lying down on a table. The placement of the needles depends on the area of pain, and they should not cause significant pain. In fact, most individuals find the treatment to be relaxing. Although some people may experience a worsening of symptoms initially, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners suggest that this is usually normal and is followed by quick improvement. Insurance coverage for acupuncture may vary, but some clinics offer sliding scale fees. Thanks for taking the time to read our blog: 5 easy alternative ways for resolving joint pain.

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