Diagnostic Ultrasound

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Diagnostic Ultrasound

At Opdahl Regenerative Medicine, we lead the way in employing diagnostic ultrasound technology to detect joint injuries at an early stage, even before symptoms like pain and stiffness emerge. Ultrasound assessments provide a safe, quick, and non-invasive means of evaluating the overall condition of your joints. Whether you lead an active lifestyle, have a history of athletics, or are currently experiencing joint discomfort, it’s advisable to arrange for an annual ultrasound evaluation to assess the overall well-being of your joints.

Diagnostic Ultrasound FAQ

What is a Diagnostic Ultrasound Used For?

Common joint injuries that Opdahl Regenerative Medicine uncovers through our ultrasound assessment include:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Synovitis
  • Bursitis
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Tendon strain or tear
  • Ligament injuries (MCL or LCL)
  • Cartilage damage
  • Bone remodeling
  • Torn Meniscus or cyst
  • Baker’s cyst (popliteal cyst)
  • Tennis or Golfers Elbow
  • Wrist or Ankle Sprains/Strains

What is the Difference Between Ultrasound vs MRI?

Have you ever wondered why your doctor prefers one type of imaging over another? Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasound are both techniques used for similar purposes. Understanding the differences between them, along with their advantages and limitations, can shed light on why your physician may choose one over the other.

For a more comprehensive comparison, you can refer to this link: X-Ray vs MRI vs Ultrasound

Both of these diagnostic methods, guided by imaging, allow doctors to explore the inner workings of the body in distinct ways. MRI technology relies on magnets to generate three-dimensional images of internal structures, which can reveal tissue changes indicative of injuries within the body. In contrast, ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the body’s internal organs and structures. Both imaging techniques offer detailed insights into injuries, often down to the individual fibers of a muscle, making them valuable for diagnosing conditions like suspected ligament tears and a wide range of other injuries.

However, there are other factors to consider. While MRI can provide more detailed and extensive images than ultrasound, there may be a waiting period of several days or weeks to get an MRI. Ultrasound, on the other hand, can often be performed on the spot or during your office visit. It’s also worth noting that MRI is considerably more expensive than ultrasound.

When to Get a Ultrasound Exam?

Ultrasound imaging excels in pinpointing the exact source of pain and delivering a clear depiction of the root cause and the extent of damage. Its dynamic capabilities enable physicians to observe real-time effects of movement. This technology is particularly effective in generating live images of soft tissues, making it invaluable for detecting issues in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. Ultrasound can identify tears, irregular growths, motion-related problems, tumors, and calcifications, although it may not provide clear images of bones or air. Moreover, ultrasound is commonly employed to assist doctors in various procedures, such as administering steroid injections for pain relief. A complete diagnostic ultrasound examination typically lasts around 20 minutes or less, ensuring a swift and convenient appointment for both patients and doctors to obtain the necessary information.

In comparison to MRI machines, ultrasounds are less intimidating for patients as they only involve a transducer and a screen displaying real-time internal images.

If you are suffering with any joint pain/injuries and you think it could be muscle, ligament, and/or tendon injury a diagnostic ultrasound may be your best option.

Give us a call at (360) 338-3029 and schedule your diagnostic ultrasound assessment today. Ask about our $39 introductory new patient promo that includes a consultation, examination and diagnostic ultrasound exam!