The Do’s and Don’ts For New Sports Injuries

August 10, 2023Kolton Opdahl
Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can be devastating when you’re on a team that relies on your performance. Whether you’re an active athlete or have dabbled in sports, you understand the significance of stretching and warming up before hitting the field. However, these precautions can’t eliminate the possibility of injury entirely. In fact, most sports-related injuries occur due to trauma and overuse of the body’s physical limits. But don’t be disheartened; we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of strategies to help you care for your injuries effectively. After reading this, you’ll not only recover faster but also become an injury-care pro to share knowledge with your friends.

What NOT to Do for Sports Injuries

Ignoring the Injury

The worst thing you can do when experiencing pain during or after a sport or a traumatic injury is to ignore it. Take immediate action by examining the affected area for bruising or swelling, as these are normal side effects following sports injuries.

Straining or Stretching the Injured Area

Imagine your dog injures its legs severely while playing outside and starts limping. You wouldn’t take it to the park to play frisbee after such an incident, right? Similarly, humans should avoid exerting pressure on or overusing the injured area, as it can exacerbate the pain. Limit activity until you determine the nature of the injury and proceed with appropriate treatment and rehabilitation.

Giving Up

Injuries can be physically and mentally draining, especially if they prevent you from participating in your favorite sport. The key is to practice resilience and consistency to facilitate a swift and smooth recovery process.

new sports injuries

What To Do for Sports Injuries

Understanding the Injury

When treating a recent sports injury, understanding the underlying issue is crucial. The treatment approach depends entirely on the specific nature of the injury. Follow these steps as a guide:

Reducing Inflammation

Immediately after a sports injury, it’s advisable to apply ice for about 15 minutes at a time to alleviate pain and reduce swelling. After initial icing, you can also apply heat, which helps increase muscle elasticity and promotes better joint motion.

Consulting a Doctor

If your sports injury causes severe pain that persists for more than a few days without improvement, consult a doctor. They will conduct a thorough examination to diagnose the problem’s underlying cause and propose suitable treatment options. Additionally, they will provide an estimate of treatment costs and the expected duration for pain relief.


Lastly, give your body the rest it needs. Avoid stretching or exercising until your doctor approves, as this could worsen the injury.


Now that you’re acquainted with the essential do’s and don’ts for managing a sports injury, you’re on the path to a speedy recovery. Remember, taking the right steps early on can make a significant difference in your healing process. So, stay proactive, seek professional guidance when necessary, and prioritize rest to ensure a swift and successful recovery.

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