Looking for Auto Accident Recovery Services in Vancouver / Portland?
After an accident, it’s not just your vehicle that undergoes damage. Our team of experts in auto accidents, located in Vancouver, Washington, and Gresham, Oregon, focuses on providing drug-free relief for the pain, injuries, and discomfort that often follow a collision when your body experiences sudden jolts. We specialize in addressing conditions like whiplash and back pain, utilizing cutting-edge technology for diagnosis and traditional methods for treatment. Our proven approach has successfully assisted countless individuals in alleviating pain and regaining their mobility through non-invasive therapies.
PIP – Personal Injury Protection & Medical Insurance
Get Injury Treatment for *ZERO Dollars Out of Pocket!
You are welcome in for a free consultation to discuss your options for a treatment plan that works for you. Walk-ins accepted or schedule an appointment today!
*For insured Washington and Oregon drivers who suffered trauma/injuries from an auto accident.
What Should I Expect at My First Visit?
When you visit us for the first time to initiate your healing process, you will be asked to complete a patient intake form, similar to what you’d encounter at any medical facility. It’s important to provide accurate information to assist our healthcare providers in obtaining a comprehensive understanding of your overall health and well-being.
Once the form is filled out, our provider will conduct an initial interview to inquire about the specific issue you’re facing. They will inquire about your symptoms and gather relevant details regarding the accident. Bringing any medical certificates you received following the car accident would be beneficial to aid in your recovery.
Following this, the provider will perform an assessment to determine if chiropractic care for auto injury recovery is suitable for your particular injury. This evaluation may involve assessing your range of motion, muscle tone, muscle strength, and neurological function. In some cases, X-rays, MRIs, or other laboratory tests may be necessary. If you’ve previously undergone these tests, please bring the results with you.
Using the information gathered during the interview and evaluation, our provider will design a personalized treatment plan tailored to your injury and your unique body type. They will also discuss the recommended number of treatment sessions and their frequency based on the assessment.
Our Auto Accident Injury Team is ready to assist you whenever you require our services. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, please contact the nearest clinic via our Contact page, where you can find information about all our locations.
Addressing Neck, Shoulder, and Back Pain Following Your Auto Accident Collision
After a car accident, shoulder and neck discomfort can be extremely debilitating, making even everyday activities a challenge. Neglecting this pain could lead to additional issues like radiating pain, migraines, and headaches.
Our approach to addressing shoulder and neck pain resulting from car accidents involves a range of methods, including regenerative medicine, trigger point injections, PRP therapy, prolotherapy, chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and physical therapy, depending on the location and severity of the pain. The choice of treatment will be determined once our healthcare provider has gathered all the necessary information to pinpoint your specific injuries. This approach aligns with our commitment to every patient who enters our facility, emphasizing the importance of accurate diagnosis, precise treatment, and meticulous execution.
Back pain is a common occurrence following car accidents and can disrupt your daily life. It may also signal more serious issues beyond just bruising or discomfort.
Our skilled auto accident specialists are adept at identifying the root causes of your back pain and can provide drug-free, natural pain relief through our array of treatments and advanced technologies.
Common Injuries Following Auto Accident Collisions
According to statistics from the National Safety Council, there are more than 12 million injuries linked to automobile accidents each year in the United States. This figure is staggering, particularly when you consider that there are nearly as many cars on the road as there are people in the country.
While some injuries, like broken bones, are immediately obvious, others, such as car accident-induced whiplash, may not lead to severe neck discomfort until several months later, making early treatment challenging. If you or someone you know has recently been involved in a car accident, it is advisable to schedule an appointment with an expert in car accident injuries.
Our healthcare providers have undergone specialized training and focus on addressing spinal strains, whiplash, and other soft tissue injuries. This specialization equips us with an advantage in effectively managing pain and injuries that result from car accidents.
Other Injuries Sustained From Auto Accidents:
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
One of the main causes of TBIs are car accidents. This occurs when the brain is damaged by a blow or a piercing injury to the head. Each year, 50,000 people die from TBI and another 80,000 to 90,000 suffer long-term disability.
Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis (quadriplegia/tetraplegia and paraplegia)
The impact of a crash and torque on the body can cause long-term disability from spinal cord injuries. Damage to the spinal cord can result in partial or total paralysis below the level of the injury.
Back Injuries
The human body and spine are not built to withstand heavy impacts, and car accidents commonly result in back injuries. These injuries may become evident immediately following the accident or have delayed onset. The pain and disability from a serious back injury can be serious and long-lasting.
If a vehicle catches fire after or if skin comes into contact with hot fluids, surfaces, steam or chemicals, the occupants can suffer burns. Very severe burns may require surgery and skin grafting.
Internal Injuries
Damage to internal organs can occur when a crash forces the body into an object or flying debris. Internal bleeding from this type of injury requires emergency medical treatment.
Fractures and Broken Bones
Broken legs, ribs, arms, ankles, and wrists are common in car accidents. Some car accident victims suffer a broken pelvis. Severity ranges from simple breaks that require a cast to serious breaks or compound fractures that require surgery to repair.
Disfiguring Facial Injuries and Scars
Car accidents can cause facial injuries, resulting from shattered glass or collision with the steering wheel, dashboard, windshield, airbag, car seat, or any rigid surface. Disfigurement from facial injuries may require surgical correction and could leave a victim with a lasting scar.
Limb Loss and Amputation
In car accidents, body parts such as arms, legs, fingers, toes, or other extremities may be severed or severely damaged to the point of requiring surgical amputation. This type of injury can have permanent disabling effects on the victim.
Neck Injuries and Whiplash From Auto Accidents
Whiplash is the common name for muscle, ligament and tendon injuries like neck pain after injury to the soft tissue of the neck that can happen in a auto accident. Speeds as low as 15 mph can cause whiplash, with or without a seatbelt. Severe disk injury and cervical dislocation can also result from car accidents.
Knee injuries
Car crashes can cause knee injuries when they collide with any part of the vehicle. Wounds range from bruises to multiple fractures. The meniscus, which is the cartilage in the knee, can tear if the knee is twisted or suddenly turned during a car accident.
Foot and Ankle Injuries
Toe, feet, and ankle strains, sprains and fractures are common in car accidents. Your feet and toes can also be severed in a crash.
Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder injuries can result from force absorption after bracing the hands against the steering wheel or dashboard in a motor vehicle crash. The shoulder locks in position and receives excessive force from the impact of the collision.
Wrist and Hand Injuries
Distal radius fractures (broken wrists) are very common in car accidents. This type of injury may require surgery, depending on the severity of the fracture.
Lacerations, Bruises and “Road Rash”
Broken glass, torn sheet metal or flying objects can cause lacerations. Bruises can occur when the body comes into contact with an object or vice versa during a car accident. Road rash, on the other hand, is an abrasion caused by friction resulting from being dragged or skidding on pavement.
Crush Injuries
When any part of the body gets caught between two objects that are being forcefully pushed together, it can lead to a crush injury.
Soft Tissue Injuries
Sprains, strains, bruising, and other damage to muscles, tendons, and ligaments (soft tissue injuries) are very common in automobile accidents. This type of injury can be painful and long-lasting.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Not all car accident injuries are physical. A car accident can also cause mental and emotional injuries, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can make previously routine activities difficult or impossible. Treatment for mental health and emotional suffering may be necessary and may be recoverable after a car accident.